Картелишев А.В., Румянцев А.Г., Москвин С.В. и др.
Клинико-экспериментальный анализ эффективности фармаколазерного оздоровления плода и новорожденного при беременности с фетоплацентарной недостаточностью
Картелишев А.В.1, Румянцев А.Г.2, Васильева О.А.3, Вяйзенен Г.Н.4, Москвин С.В.5, Вяйзенен Г.А.4, Уральский В.Н.4
1НИИ детской гематологии и 2РГМУ МЗ РФ, Москва, 3Гормедобъединение им. С.П. Боткина, г. Орел, 4Новгородский госуниверситет им. Ярослва Мудрого, 5НПЛЦ "Техника"
Ключевые слова: лазерная терапия, плацетарная недостаточность, оздоровление беременных, плодов, новорожденных
Clinical and experimental analysis of the efficiency of pharmacolaser inrigoration of the fetus and the newborn in case of the pregnancy with fetoplacenta insufficiency
Kartelishev A.V., Rumjantzev A.G., Vasiljev O.A., Vaizenen G.N., Morkvin S.V., Vaizenen G.A., Uralsky V.N.
The article presents results of two-staged complex multifactor clinicaland experimental analysis of the efficiency of low-level magnitolaser impact at the organism of a pregnant woman and her child. Low-level magnitolaser therapy has been used in cows with calf and in young animals in the experiment. It has been shown that this therapy is not only safe from the medical point of view but also effective for obtaining healthy posterity and ecologically pure meat. While using this technique in clinical practice in pregnant women with fetoplacenta insufficiency all the acknowledged parameters have shown that this technique has highly reliable advantages of pharmacomagnitolaser invigoration of the fetus and the newborn.
- 2004_64-67.pdf (367 Скач.)