Shnaider D.A., Bakulev A.L., Moskvin S.V., Nechaeva O.V., Ushakova O.V.
Combined laser therapy for the treatment of psoriasis
Dmitry A. Shnaidera, Andrey L. Bakuleva, Sergey V. Moskvinb, Olga V. Nechaevaс, Olga V. Ushakovac
a Saratov State Medical University, 112 Bolshaya Kazachia streat, Saratov, Russia;
b Skobelkin State Scientific Center of Laser Medicine FMBA, 40 Studencheskaya streat, Moscow, Russia;
с Saratov State Technical University, 77 Politechnicheskaya street, Saratov, Russia
The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of the original treatment of patients with psoriasis, including VLOK525 and the local impact of pulsed IR NEELIE. Under the supervision of 264 patients with widespread forms of psoriasis in progresive stage (163 men and 101 women) between the ages of 24 to 63 years old (average age - 41 years), being diagnosted with the disease from 1 to 30 years ago. In the main group the complex treatment included the original laser methods apparatus «LAZMIK VLOK», with the laser head emit KL-VLOK-525-20 for intravenous laser blood irradiation and ML-635-40 for external impact. It was shown that combined laser therapy of patients with a moderate form of psoriasis (10 <PASI<50), including a local effect on psoriatic elements by pulsed red light LIL (635 nm) with a power of 40 W with a pulse repetition rate of up to 10 Hz OOO-VLOK-667 allows effectively the cease of inflammatory changes and lead to a reduction in erythema, infiltration and exfoliation.
Keywords: psoriasis, laser therapy, intravenous laser blood irradiation.
- Shnaider, 2020, псориаз.pdf (114 Скач.)