Жуков Б.Н., Лысов Н.А., Москвин С.В. и др.
Экспериментальное обоснование использования лазерного излучения при аутодермопластике
Жуков Б.Н.1, Лысов Н.А2., Махова А.Н.1, Богуславский Д.Г.1, Махлин А.Э.2, Воробьев И.А.2, Москвин С.В.3
1 Самарский государственный медицинский университет;
2 Медицинская компания "Лазерный центр";
3 Научно-производственный лазерный центр "Техника"
Ключевые слова: импульсное низоинтенсивное лазерное излучене, длина волны, посттромбофлебитическая болезнь, аутодермотрансплантация
Ezperimental backgrounds for laser irradiation in autodermoplasty
B.N. Zhukov, N.A. Lisov, A.N. Makhova, D.G. Bogurlatrky, A.E. Makhlin, I.A. Vorobjev, S.V. Moskvin
Each lab animal (45 white rats) had a transplanted skin flap 1 sq cm at their scapular area. The flap was taken from the opposite side. In the postoperative period the animals were irradiated with laser (ALT "Mustang"): pulsed mode, pulse duration 100ns, power 3 Wt in the pulse), wavelength 0,63-0,67 mkm and 890nm. The most effective was laser irradiation with the wavelength 0.63-0,67mkm. There were no marked inflammatory reactions (slight diffusion and focal leucocytic infiltration), no microcirculatory and circulatory disorders (hemorrhages, perivascular infiltrations, stasis signs) but at the same time there was good epidermis regeneration with the restoration of all layers and the development of young well-vascularised connective tissue. All the above mentioned reactions could promote such laser application in clinical skin transplantology for treating trophic disorders and unhealing wounds as well as for wounds and burns.
- 2003_45-54.pdf (377 Скач.)